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Journey of a Solopreneur/ Entrepreneur – Day-to-day Adjustments

As a follow-up

to my previous post about starting my own talent consultancy:, I wanted to share my own personal experiences and learnings so that others who have gone through, are going through or thinking about going through a similar journey could share notes and your personal experiences so that we can learn from one another and become wiser to smoothen the ride.

In this post, I would like to cover the day-to-day adjustments one would need to be prepared to make if you are thinking about striking it out on your own, especially as a solopreneur:

· Tightening of purse strings: When you work for an established company, you never need to think twice before arranging a health or dental check-up, or taking taxi to meet a potential client. When you are running your own business alone, you will hesitate before doing the above mentioned as every cent comes from your own pocket.

· Taking on seemingly mundane tasks: If you are used to having a team or assistant to help you with administrative stuff: scheduling a meeting, filing a claim, fixing IT issues, dealing with invoices etc., you have to learn to be hands-on and do everything on your own.

· Reduction in human interactions: If you are running your business alone, you do not have colleagues to interact with or bounce off ideas on a daily basis. It can feel lonely at times and you need to be able to deal with that. In a way, Covid has made this adjustment smoother because we are quite used to working from home and not seeing our co-workers physically on a day-to-day basis by now.

· Rejections and getting ignored will be more common: If you are representing well-known companies, chances are people will answer your call/email, largely because of your company or because you were in an influential position. When you are on your own, there is a higher chance that you get rejected or ignored more often. It is the hard truth. Be mentally prepared for that. People generally prefer to be associated with successful companies and people.

Fellow solopreneurs/ entrepreneurs, anyone has your own experiences to share?

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